Our Programs

The mission of the Davis Education Foundation is to remove barriers to learning, provide educational opportunities to every student, and create partnerships that connect the community through giving.

We invite you to be the connection by participating in, learning about, and donating to Foundation programs that help fulfill its mission.

For information on sponsorship opportunities contact Sherry Miggin via email.

Removing Barriers to Learning

Students in Davis School District face a variety of challenges that create barriers to their learning. Food insecurity, housing instability, lack of basic essentials… these are just a few of the obstacles that make it difficult for students to succeed and stay in school.

Teen Resource Centers provide students experiencing homelessness a safe place at school to shower, launder clothing, make a hot meal, access a quiet study are and connect to vital education and community resources.  You can help by providing much needed funding to bring and sustain these resources to each school.

Providing Educational Opportunities to Every Student

Providing Opportunities for all Students by Supporting Innovative Classrooms of Excellence.

Supporting & Retaining World-class Educators

Teachers are the foundation and life-blood of the district. The Foundation strives to provide programs and training to support educators in their efforts. 

Connecting the Community Through Giving

The Foundation greatly values community partnerships. Creating partnerships fosters community involvement and provides an opportunity for companies and individuals to give where they live. It is only with their help, YOUR help, that the Foundation is able to serve students and educators.

The following events are easy and fun ways to give back: